Help Page.

Hello dutch-speaking surfers; go to the bottom!

For all the english-readers:

Use them for mail to youre friends, not to newsgroups, webdesigners or so.

Here are the instructions on how to unzip, install and use the Stationery:

To unzip use a program called WinZip.

Double click on the file you downloaded and then click NEXT.

At the next step you will see where the program intends to unzip the file to (by default into C:\unzipped) Click on the button beneath it that says: SELECT DIFFERENT FOLDER, this will bring up the window with all the options on where you can have the file decompressed.

Click on the plus sign before the C drive, then the plus sign before the PROGRAM FILES/COMMON FILES/MICROSOFT SHARED/STATIONERY, then click OK.

Click at the bottom on the button that says UNZIP NOW.

This will unzip the file and automatically place it where it is suppose to go.

To change the stationery you are using or to use the new ones you have installed, do this:

Open Outlook or Outlook Express, go to the top where it says TOOLS, click on that and then choose STATIONERY.

A new window will open and you will see your compose font and in the mid-section it says "When composing new messages use", make sure you make a dot next to THIS STATIONERY and then click on SELECT.

This is turn will bring up another window from where you will be able to choose which stationery you want to use complete with preview. Select which one you want to use and click ok.

Back at the window from before click APPLY and then OK. The next time you click on the Compose button you will automatically use the stationery you picked out. If you do not use the COMPOSE button but rather click on the word COMPOSE (ACTIONS in Outlook 98) all the way at the top of the Outlook window, then you will be presented with a choice of NEW MESSAGE USING in which case you can pick any of the last 10 Stationery used or choose NO STATIONERY. This is especially useful if you know the person you are sending a message to does not use Outlook or Outlook Express.

Eudora Pro 4.02 with basic HTML Feature Users do the following:

You have to have IE4 (will not work with Netscape!!) as the "Mail reader" set in the options of Eudora. To achieve this, go to Tools, then Options, then Viewing Mail and there you will have to choose "Use Microsoft's viewer".

You can select a Stationery to use by clicking on Tools then Options and then Sending Mail and there you will choose "Select a Default Stationery".

You can also select from a list in Message and then "New Message With"

Note: I personally do not use Eudora, and this information was provided by Majik. If this does not work for you and your EUDORA program, do not e-mail me as I do not know anything about this particular program. Thanks!

Also Note the following Facts:

You will not see a scrolling background on the Stationery while composing your e-mail. This only works when you are the receiver of the e-mail. The same goes for any scrolling banners/marquees and sometimes even for the midi. In some cases you will see a small red "x" on your e-mail while composing it. Do not worry, but the receiver of your e-mail will not see that and there is nothing wrong with it.

Sometimes, when the background color is black, you don't see the text youre a typing; choose another color for youre font.

Also, as a general rule, people who have email addresses at places like Yahoo, Hotmail or use Netscape, AOL and various other programs will not see the stationery as you send it but rather get an attachment at best.

with thanks to;

a link of her HomePage you find at the link Page

Outlook Express 6 or/ and Windows XP: maybe the Stationery don't work.
Solution: Outlook Express / "Extra" / "Options", "Security" and select "Internet-zone".

Start again; HomePage

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Hello dutch-speaking; surfers;

Gebruik de briefpapiertjes alleen voor mail naar jullie vrienden, a.u.b. niet voor mail naar Nieuwsgroepen, Web-ontwerpers en officiele instanties. Sommige mail-programma's ondersteunen deze vorm van communicatie niet én door de veelheid van post stellen deze mensen het juist niet op prijs...

Hoe te installeren:


Open je mail-programma/ outlook, ga naar Nieuw Bericht, Opmaak, zorg dat Rich Tekst is aangevinkt, kies Briefpapier, naar alle waarschijnlijkheid laat hij nu de inhoud zien van PROGRAM FILES/COMMON FILES/MICROSOFT SHARED/BRIEFPAPIER, kies voor meer Briefpapier en ga naar de map Stationery, kies een papiertje uit en klaar.

Bij IE 5.0 is de optie aanwezig om het papier te testen; onderaan de pagina, vindt je de knoppen bewerken en voorbeeld, klik op voorbeeld en zien het plaatje scrollen muziek maken en wat al niet meer. Ga terug naar bewerken en verzend...

Soms kan het zijn dat je de getypte tekst niet ziet (zwarte achtergrond?) ga dan naar opmaak, lettertype en kies een andere kleur.

Op Jenna's page, zie de link pagina, vindt je een zeer uitgebreide documentatie.

Voor Outlook Express 6 gebruikers. Vraag: Ik ben overgestapt naar Windows XP, nu werken de berichtjes niet meer. Antwoord: Bij de installatie van Windows XP is er ook overgestapt naar Outlook Express 6. Ga in Outlook Express naar "Extra" en dan "Opties", vervolgens "Beveiliging" en vink "Internet-zone" aan. Succes.


Start again; HomePage